We can hardly believe that we have been here for 4 months now. In some regards, it doesn't feel like that long, but then when I think about all the "stuff" that we have been through, it seems like 4 years! We actually have 10 weeks left in Campinas before we head down south to Porto Alegre. We are looking forward to joining the team that is already down there and moving forward in the call that the Lord has placed on our hearts. We have talked about the different aspects of leaving Campinas and even though we are ready, we will miss this place that we have called home. We have met some great friends here. Preston and I have befriended several elderly neighbors and they just love him. He still hasn't gotten used to all the Brazilians wanting to kiss him! We have grown close to one couple in particular at church that has blessed our hearts they way they pray for us and care for us. I (Keri) might just cry when I have to leave the Tia's from Peyton and Pierce's daycare and Preston's teacher, Professora Rose (as seen in the photo). She has been a true answer to our prayers.

Life here has been tough at times, but as always, the Lord has proven and continues to prove Himself faithful. And His faithfulness has nothing to do with me or my faithfulness to Him. My brain has a hard time understanding that, but I am so thankful for it. This has been such a rich time in our lives and I can't wait to see what the rest of the journey holds. I have much more rolling through my brain, but I will stop the rambling for now. Thanks for listening.
Please continue to pray for Paul and I we have our second language evaluation test this Thursday. We both feel more confident than we did the first go around, but it still gets our stomachs all in knots. Please pray that no matter what we do we will glorify the One that has sent us here.
Please continue to pray for Paul and I we have our second language evaluation test this Thursday. We both feel more confident than we did the first go around, but it still gets our stomachs all in knots. Please pray that no matter what we do we will glorify the One that has sent us here.