Yes, you read that right....Keri has been cooking and Brazilian style at that! One of our language teachers, Priscilla, has come over a few times and taught me how to cook some things. We have done a dessert, passion fruit mousse, which was very good. Then we did a cheese bread, pao de queijo, and Preston likes that one so much that he no longer wants it from the bread store, he only wants mine! :) Then she taught me how to do lasanga, rice and beans, and stroganoff. I am no longer afraid to use the pressure cooker. That is how we cook beans and other veggies and I can do it now, yea me! It has been a challenge to come up with meals in Brazil. Everything is different! We can't find some of the things that are in the States and then we can't figure out what other things are. It is still a challenge, but thanks to Priscilla it is now much easier. The family has been very eager to try new dishes and I must say that everything so far has been delicious. My mama would be so proud.
Unrelated to your post, I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you that we're praying for you. I have subscribed to your blog and will follow along as you go through language school and then on to your field of service. If you have a separate prayer e-mail I would love to be added to it. (darb78@gmail.com)
My name is Brad Parham, my wife Amanda and I are in Louisville, Ky right now so that I can attend seminary. It is our hope to be where you are in about 4 years. Eventually we want to be serving with Team Gaucho in Porto Alegre seek to reach the upper middle classes.
Yes, Mama would be very proud.
Yes your mom would be very proud! Can we send you a care package? Let me know. Love, Ruthy
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