Saturday, December 20, 2008
Spring Cleaning
Spring is almost over so we have to rush and get all that spring cleaning finished. Kati and I scrubbed the backyard today. Does that sound strange? Well, a year ago it would have sounded strange to me too, but not today. Our backyard, which we prefer to call a "courtyard", sounds more formal, is all tile. We do have grass, but it is in our front and side yard. The tile has not been scrubbed and really cleaned since we have lived here this 3 months and before that the house was empty for over a year, so I am sure it has been awhile since the tile was scrubbed. Well, it was scrubbed today and Kati and I took turns making it happen. We washed it all off with the water hose and a broom and then we literally scrubbed on our hands and knees. See the picture below....I'm not kidding. It was hard work, but we did it and were able to sit back, relax and enjoy our pretty, clean tile. I do think the caption on this pictures needs to be something like Cinder-relly, or something like that.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
From Christmas Cookies to Emergency Rooms
Preston and I decided today was the day for Christmas cookies. I had Grandmother's recipe for sugar cookies, but was a little nervous that I just wasn't going to be able to make it work. So, it was just our practice batch, but it turned out great. We will be making more to give to our neighbors this weekend. So, let the baking begin! One funny note about the cookies was that we don't have cookie cutters, which is fine so don't send us any. What we did was cut out shapes out of paper like a snowman, candy cane and gingerbread man just to start with. We laid the paper shapes on the dough and used a knife to cut around it. (see picture of Preston in action below) It worked rather nicely. Once we figured out that it would work, we then did a cross, a manger, smiley faces and bells. We had a lot of fun. In addition to the cookies, we made a Brazilian sweet treat, brigadeiros, and a new found recipe from Susan Clements, cake balls. All of these turned out great and Preston was so excited that he was the only one that helped me. He is always excited about Mama/Preston time. Kati wants me to explain however that she had a friend from Campinas here spending the night and that is why she wasn't helping us......
The flour all over everything and us was Preston's doing. He thought we needed it for the pictures.
We barely got the sweets finished when Kati came in the kitchen and said she was starting to itch all over her body. I gave her a benadryl and told her to go take a shower. Well, nothing seemed to help and it was getting worse. It started out as just red places but they were everywhere on her body. Then those red places began to swell and developed welts. She said her clothes touching her skin only made everything sting and it was obvious that she was very uncomfortable. She then thought she was having trouble breathing and that is when I got nervous. I went ahead and called for a taxi to take us to the ER. Paul and I didn't want to take a chance on her throat swelling shut. So, Kati and I were off to the ER with my Portuguese dictionary in hand. And just for the record that dictionary was never needed!!! Woo-Hoo!!! I was nervous though being by ourselves and having to rely on our language skills, but we did it. I got the paperwork filled out and she was checked in. That was task number 1. It may not be a big deal, but we are counting it as a major accomplishment. Then we were called back and the doctor spoke no English whatsoever. She had to examine Kati and explain to us what she was going to do; she did, and we understood! Accomplishment #2! So, she told us that they were going to give her medication to stop the itching and hopefully it would in turn stop the swelling. By this time, Kati's eyes, lips and ears were all swollen, but her breathing was okay. After they gave her the medication, they just wanted us to sit and wait to make sure that it was doing what they hoped it would do. It worked and Kati was feeling much better within 15 minutes. The swelling went down and the redness was gone, so Kati and I had a little time just to sit and talk. Once we knew she was going to be alright, it was a nice time together. So, it may have come about in a strange way, but I was able to spend some good one on one time with both Kati and Preston today. And on top of all that really felt like we had a major victory in the language being able to manage the ER with no help. I have already said many little prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord for seeing us through this and giving us this victory.
We barely got the sweets finished when Kati came in the kitchen and said she was starting to itch all over her body. I gave her a benadryl and told her to go take a shower. Well, nothing seemed to help and it was getting worse. It started out as just red places but they were everywhere on her body. Then those red places began to swell and developed welts. She said her clothes touching her skin only made everything sting and it was obvious that she was very uncomfortable. She then thought she was having trouble breathing and that is when I got nervous. I went ahead and called for a taxi to take us to the ER. Paul and I didn't want to take a chance on her throat swelling shut. So, Kati and I were off to the ER with my Portuguese dictionary in hand. And just for the record that dictionary was never needed!!! Woo-Hoo!!! I was nervous though being by ourselves and having to rely on our language skills, but we did it. I got the paperwork filled out and she was checked in. That was task number 1. It may not be a big deal, but we are counting it as a major accomplishment. Then we were called back and the doctor spoke no English whatsoever. She had to examine Kati and explain to us what she was going to do; she did, and we understood! Accomplishment #2! So, she told us that they were going to give her medication to stop the itching and hopefully it would in turn stop the swelling. By this time, Kati's eyes, lips and ears were all swollen, but her breathing was okay. After they gave her the medication, they just wanted us to sit and wait to make sure that it was doing what they hoped it would do. It worked and Kati was feeling much better within 15 minutes. The swelling went down and the redness was gone, so Kati and I had a little time just to sit and talk. Once we knew she was going to be alright, it was a nice time together. So, it may have come about in a strange way, but I was able to spend some good one on one time with both Kati and Preston today. And on top of all that really felt like we had a major victory in the language being able to manage the ER with no help. I have already said many little prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord for seeing us through this and giving us this victory.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Brazilian 1st Birthday Party
I told you it would be nothing exciting, but here goes with my first "journal entry". In Brazil, the 1st birthday is a big one, along with the 15th birthday for girls. Well, we got to go to our first Brazilian 1 aninho aniversario festa and it didn't disappoint. We knew when we received all 6 invitations that it would be something spectacular. The picture below shows the invitation. It was adorable! It was just this cute little box and we all six got one.
When we took the top off of the box, it popped open with this cute green with white polka dot inside with little ladybugs all over it. The center ladybug is even a 3D type bug. The picture doesn't do it justice, but it was so cute.
The inside of course just gave the details of when and where the party was. Fofinho, neh? We waited after getting these cute little invitations for 3 weeks for party time. So, we were ready and excited to practice some Portuguese. Let me tell you a little about the party and then I will add some pictures. When we arrived they had red and white balloons everywhere and ladybugs on the sidewalk all the way up to the door, through the house and to the backyard where the festivities would actually take place. Everything was red, white and black with the ladybug theme - the cake, the treats, the sweets, the napkins, the tables, everything fit the theme of the party. Too cute! We first got there and sat down to be greeted by the waiters wanting our drink order. Remember I said that this was a 1 YEAR OLD birthday party! Waiters! Ok, then they brought around a little tray for every table with all kinds of little salty snacks. And when we ran out, they brought more. Then they brought around these cute little hot dogs, and even the wrapper for the hot dog had a ladybug on it. See below:
Preston ate about 5 hot dogs and this was after all the little salty snacks which he ate way too many of. Not to mention all the guarana that he had already drank. Then there was lots of talking and mingling and chasing babies. We were there for almost 4 hours and no English was spoken. I felt that from a language point of view, it was good. We talked plenty, we didn't just sit there. We found a great couple that was so kind and so patient with us, Luciano and Marlise. We are supposed to have dinner with them after the holidays are over. We are looking forward to this! Ok, in this backyard the family has a pool and a beautifully shaded area that was just decorated to the tee. As I was enjoying the tropical trees in the yard, I noticed one of them was a pomegranate tree. They told me to come back and get as many as I want when they are ripe.
I was fascinated by the pomegranate. You know there are just some things that this Mississippi girl is not used to seeing and this was my thing for the day! The babies loved the pool and this dolphin that spit water. I was afraid that one of them was going to fall in, but Preston was the only one that got wet that day and I was the one that pushed him in. He liked it so don't feel sorry for him!
Then we sang to the birthday girl, ate cake, ate chocolate covered strawberries, ate more treats and talked a lot more. It was fun and a great experience. We had heard that the first birthday was sometimes as big as a wedding reception and this one could have been a wedding reception. A neat little side note to this party was that there were 3 sets of twins there. Ok enough already, I know, I will quit boring you now, but here is a picture of the birthday girl, Bruna, and her cake.
Isn't she precious? Her family speaks no English whatsoever and they are so sweet to us and are so very patient with us as we struggle to make our Portuguese words make sense. We are thankful for our new Brazilian friends and ask that you pray with us that the Lord will nurture these friendships and show us how to be a light to them even if we can't speak as fluently as we would like.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
New Way of Posting
Ok, my kids have informed me that I keep forgetting details of things that we have done or things that have happened since arriving in Brazil 10 months ago. And I can't seem to be consistent enough to actually put pen to paper and write it down, but I am on this computer enough that I think I can type it out. So, with that in mind, I am going to start blogging as if this were my journal in a kind of sort of way. If it gets to a point that it is just not your kind of blog, then feel free to stop reading, but I have to do something to help my memory. Hopefully this will be just what my mind needs to help jog my memory. And if not, that's ok at least I will have a written record. I will start this new blog style tomorrow, so I will see you then.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Kati's Meeting
Just a note and something for you guys to be praying about....Kati has gotten the opportunity to speak to a high school English class in a local public school. The professor wants Kati to just encourage the students about learning a new language and answer some of their questions about her life and life in the States. If she is asked why she is living here, it is our understanding that she is free to share whatever she wants about her faith. So, please be in prayer for this situation. If we are able to get the Branded group from CHC down here, this could be our foot in the door at this particular school. God is up to something down here and we just want to be obedient to every opportunity that He gives us.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
One week of school down!
We have completed one whole week of school now and life is completely hectic, but in a good way. It was a wonderful week and everything worked very smoothly. I thank you for your continued prayers for us in this area. Preston really likes the DVD's, but won't admit it out loud! Our schedule that we seem to be establishing is wake up at 7:00 and get breakfast ready. Wake everyone up at 8:00, eat breakfast and then have our family Bible time. We start school at 9:00. Kati has a rhythm of her own and doesn't need me as much as she used to. Preston and I start with his Bible class and then Math. These are the two that take the most time. Once we finish with these which has been around 11:00, we take a break and get a snack with Kati, Peyton and Pierce. Then the babies go down for their nap and Preston and I try to get through language class before lunch and before the little guys wake up. We then stop for lunch and then get right back to it. We have been finishing up by 2:30 or 3:00, so things are moving along nicely. Kati is normally finished by 1:00 or so and she takes the babies so Preston and I can finish the rest of his day in quiet. We are still fine tuning things, but are very encouraged that everyone is doing so well. Thank you again for praying for us as we work through this process.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Funny Portuguese Confusion
This is Keri and I have a funny Portuguese story. When we arrived in PoA two months ago, we had wonderful missionary friends that made this house feel like our home. Larry and Marla Green worked to have our house completely set up and ready for us when we arrived. They did such a great job and we are so thankful to them. Well, Marla left me what I thought was body lotion. I didn't really pay much attention to the bottle except that it said, in Portuguese of course, intensive hydration creme. So, I didn't think anything else other than lotion. I started using it that day and it was wonderful. I felt soft and smooth and it smelled wonderful. Ok, so I've been using this stuff for 2 months now and last night I was putting it on my feet before bed and when I was done I put the bottle on my night stand. I then went and tucked kiddos into their beds and when I got back to my room, I sat on the edge of the bed and that bottle caught my eye. I saw on the back that it said, "After you wash your hair....". I thought what in the world does this stuff have to do with your hair. So, as I read more I figured out that I have been putting a hair conditioner all over my body for two months. I sat there and laughed and laughed and couldn't believe that I hadn't noticed that before now. But Paul told me that the hair on my arms is really soft!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
School books have arrived!
We did not expect a delivery on Saturday, but that is what we got. The school books have arrived and we want to thank you all for praying. We are so thankful to finally be able to get started with this school year. Well, Kati has already started and is already loaded down with lots of homework. Preston said that he will wait until Monday. Monday is his birthday and he has already asked me if he could have the day off! That boy is crazy!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
School books oh school books....where art thou?
Please continue to pray for our school books. It is now the end of October and we still haven't been able to start school. I am starting to feel pressure to catch up but we haven't even started yet, so that is just a little bit crazy. Kati has been working on health, PE and home economics. Preston has been working on a history curriculum also, but if the books would just get here......
Anyway, I just wanted to enlist your help in praying that they arrive soon. They shipped on September 19, so it could be any day now that they arrive or they could never show up. But we aren't giving up hope. Thanks for praying with us!
Anyway, I just wanted to enlist your help in praying that they arrive soon. They shipped on September 19, so it could be any day now that they arrive or they could never show up. But we aren't giving up hope. Thanks for praying with us!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The best food ever!
It always seems that the thing I want to talk about most is food. Well, the fact of the matter is that is one of the favorite past times of this family. Last night we had the best churrasco and Paul made it. It was his first time to try it here in PoA and it was wonderful. We can't wait to try it again and expand our cuts of meat. If any of you would like to come down and have a cookout, let us know and we will be waiting on you. The picture here is the grill master at work preparing his fire.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Well, in Porto Alegre anyway! We finally made here here and so far, so good. We took our time driving down here and spend several days in beautiful Florianopolis. The only problem with our stay there was that the babies were awful. We even took Peyton to the doctor because he just seemed like something was wrong. Both of them screamed almost the entire time we were there, but Peyton's scream seemed a little more painful. It did turn out that he had a little bit of an ear infection, so that does explain some of it. We were not able to do anything while we were there, because they just would not stop screaming. We tried to go to the mall and walk around, which they always love, but not then. They screamed and made not just us but everyone around us miserable. They also would not sleep through the night. At least one of them would wake up at least once per night while we there. Ok, now on with the great part of this story...once we arrived here at what is to be our house for the next year or so, both babies were completely "fixed"! It was the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed. The 7 hour drive from Florianopolis to Porto Alegre was fine. The babies did great and didn't fuss too much and took naps and it was ok. Once we walked into this house, they immediately ran in and began playing with toys and acted as though they had been here before and knew exactly where they were --- "HOME". Isn't that awesome? Since we have been here, the babies have slept through the night every night and have been just great. They have been going to bed around 7:30ish and we have been able to just lay them down and they may cry a bit, but they go to sleep fairly quickly. They have been sleeping until 7:30 or 8:00 each morning and they had been waking up between 5:30 & 6:00 like clockwork. I can't tell you how amazed we are, but we are praising the Lord for sure!
We had wonderful missionary friends that prepared the house for us and made it feel like a home. In Campinas, Paul always said that our house was like a concrete cave and that is kind of what it felt like, but here it just feels warmer. As soon as we walked in the house, our first words were things like, "beautiful" & "I love it". Kati and Preston got their own rooms and Preston was so excited about not having to share a room with sister or the babies. It has just been wonderful.
The only thing that has surprised me is the little bit of what we are calling cultural stress. I just wasn't expecting to have a hard time; we were just moving from one city to another. We had already done the new country thing, so this was supposed to be no big deal, right? Well, it has been just a little bit of a big deal. The newness of such a large, confusing city has been overwhelming at times, so we would appreciate your prayers as we learn this new city. We have to learn "our route" around our neighborhood, to the store, to church and trust me when I say it is confusing. Each day and especially each week it gets a little bit better than the one before, but adjusting is difficult. It is nothing like what we went through when we first arrived in Brazil, but please remember us in your prayers. We want to be effective for the Kingdom, but when we feel like we are living in a permanent state of confusion, it is just challenging.
We are currently still waiting on the kid's home school material to arrive so we can start the 3rd and 9th grades. This will help us develop our daily routine and we need to get started, so that can be another prayer request.
Thank you to everyone that has sent emails checking on us, we love to hear from you. I have attached a few pictures of us shortly after our arrival in PoA and will post more soon.
A beautiful site right outside our door!
We wanted to share with you some of our local wildlife. We have these green parrots that fly over all the time and they are loud, so you know they are coming. But we have never had any stop and visit until the day we took these pictures. These pictures were taking while we were still living in Campinas. Every morning when we would leave for school the last thing the babies wanted to do before getting in the car was look at the birds. There was always some kind of bird in the tree or on the power lines, so we would take a few minutes for them to look at the "pewpews". This was one of our last mornings in Campinas and we were running a little bit late. Well, Kati and I were just going to put the babies in the car without looking at the birds and Pierce would not have it. He was insistent that we look at the birds and I could hear a loud one, but was ignoring it. Pierce and Peyton were not ignoring it. So, I decided to step out from under the carport and let him look for just a minute and when I did what a wonderful surprise. These beautiful green parrots where there squawking at us. They stayed there long enough for us to snap these pictures and then off they flew.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Our Encouragement from the Lord Today
Many of you know that we have been struggling with illness after illness lately and it is to say the least wearing on us at times. But today we had two things happen that encouraged our hearts so much that we just had to stop and thank the Lord for sending us here. We have been in language school here in Campinas for 6 months now and have really felt like our "work" that the Lord has sent us to do is only going to start when we get to Porto Alegre. We found out today that we were flat out wrong! The first was from one of our Portuguese teachers. He is a Christian but struggles with some issues that we feel Jesus has already put to rest. So, we have just tried to encourage him to seek the truth and run hard after God. Well, today he told us that if the Lord sends us back to the states today that we have to know that we have made a difference in one life. He went on to say that we have challenged him in ways that he can't even explain and have changed his heart for the better. He has been going through a hard time in life lately and believes that the Lord sent us to him to help him through this time. We had no idea that we were making any difference; we were just living our lives. We truly serve an amazing God who can take our ashes and exchange them for a crown of beauty.
The second thing that happened today was our meeting with Preston's teacher, Professora Rose. She has been a wonderful teacher full of patience, grace and love for our little 8 year old, who can be a challenge sometimes. The way the schools handle parent-teacher meeting is with a whole day of meetings and the kids are out of school. They tell you when your meeting is and you show up for you time slot and meet with the teacher. It is kind of a cool set up. So, we get there today and were blown away by the kind words that she said about Preston. She said that he has made an impact at that school and all the kids love Preston. She said when he misses class even the cleaning ladies ask about him. She said when he arrives at school he says "Bom dia, tudo bem?" to everyone he meets from the front door all the way back to his classroom. This has made a difference with people. She also said that many of the kids have grown to love Preston and during her meetings today many of the parents have asked, "Who is this Preston that I keep hearing about?" So, he has made an impression. But the final thing that she said that caused us to sit in our own little puddle of tears was this....She said he came into class one day and told her that he had something he wanted to talk to the class about, but only after she was done teaching. So, she finished and he took over the class that day. She said that he asked everyone, "Quem e Jesus pra voce?", which means Who is Jesus for you. She said he stood at the front of the classroom and went around the room asking each student for an answer. She said he encouraged everyone no matter what their answer was. He would tell them, "parabens" (congratulations) or "muito bom" (very good) and then he asked her the same questions. She said that it was on a day that she was really having a hard day and needed to hear this. She said when she walked home, she cried the whole way and continued crying even after she got home. She said she couldn't believe how God used Preston to teach her that day and all of this she was saying to us with tears in her eyes. She went on to say that we have changed her view of Americans even. She said her idea of Americans was that we were all cold, distant and unloving and now because of Preston she said she doesn't view Americans that way anymore. She also said that she thinks we are different because we have Jesus in our lives and she can see it. Once again, it is a case of us just living our lives, and letting the light of our savior shine through us and we really didn't know we were doing it.
We hope you can see that the Lord is making a way for us to communicate with the Brazilian people even though we can't have deep conversations in their heart language. He is showing us that sometimes we need to just shut up and live for Him and he will take care of the details.
So many times I have ask myself "Why am I here" and today God showed us why we are here at this time. It is to show the love of Christ, not just in words but always in our actions. Did Preston present the full blown Gospel to his class? No, not in words, but He did in his actions throughout the time he has been here and then he said a few words to plant a seed in the hearts of those children in the 2nd grade and to that teacher that needed to hear from God that day. And she heard from Him through a child. WOW, do I have a lot to learn.
So I want to say this to you, show the love of Christ in your actions. You don't have to go out of your way to do something really big. We just have to live our lives and show people that Jesus makes a difference. We are different because Christ makes us different.
The second thing that happened today was our meeting with Preston's teacher, Professora Rose. She has been a wonderful teacher full of patience, grace and love for our little 8 year old, who can be a challenge sometimes. The way the schools handle parent-teacher meeting is with a whole day of meetings and the kids are out of school. They tell you when your meeting is and you show up for you time slot and meet with the teacher. It is kind of a cool set up. So, we get there today and were blown away by the kind words that she said about Preston. She said that he has made an impact at that school and all the kids love Preston. She said when he misses class even the cleaning ladies ask about him. She said when he arrives at school he says "Bom dia, tudo bem?" to everyone he meets from the front door all the way back to his classroom. This has made a difference with people. She also said that many of the kids have grown to love Preston and during her meetings today many of the parents have asked, "Who is this Preston that I keep hearing about?" So, he has made an impression. But the final thing that she said that caused us to sit in our own little puddle of tears was this....She said he came into class one day and told her that he had something he wanted to talk to the class about, but only after she was done teaching. So, she finished and he took over the class that day. She said that he asked everyone, "Quem e Jesus pra voce?", which means Who is Jesus for you. She said he stood at the front of the classroom and went around the room asking each student for an answer. She said he encouraged everyone no matter what their answer was. He would tell them, "parabens" (congratulations) or "muito bom" (very good) and then he asked her the same questions. She said that it was on a day that she was really having a hard day and needed to hear this. She said when she walked home, she cried the whole way and continued crying even after she got home. She said she couldn't believe how God used Preston to teach her that day and all of this she was saying to us with tears in her eyes. She went on to say that we have changed her view of Americans even. She said her idea of Americans was that we were all cold, distant and unloving and now because of Preston she said she doesn't view Americans that way anymore. She also said that she thinks we are different because we have Jesus in our lives and she can see it. Once again, it is a case of us just living our lives, and letting the light of our savior shine through us and we really didn't know we were doing it.
We hope you can see that the Lord is making a way for us to communicate with the Brazilian people even though we can't have deep conversations in their heart language. He is showing us that sometimes we need to just shut up and live for Him and he will take care of the details.
So many times I have ask myself "Why am I here" and today God showed us why we are here at this time. It is to show the love of Christ, not just in words but always in our actions. Did Preston present the full blown Gospel to his class? No, not in words, but He did in his actions throughout the time he has been here and then he said a few words to plant a seed in the hearts of those children in the 2nd grade and to that teacher that needed to hear from God that day. And she heard from Him through a child. WOW, do I have a lot to learn.
So I want to say this to you, show the love of Christ in your actions. You don't have to go out of your way to do something really big. We just have to live our lives and show people that Jesus makes a difference. We are different because Christ makes us different.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Time to Pack
We can hardly believe that it is time to pack things up once again. It has been 6 months already that we have been in Brazil and in language school. Time really does fly.....and that is whether you are having fun OR NOT!!! It is just amazing. We are all doing well currently, but please keep praying. Paul and I have 5 days of official classes left and then a week of preparing for and taking our language evaluations. This is one of those things that we aren't going to fail, but it is a matter of how well we will do. So, it is just a little nerve rattling. I can do fine in just casual conversation and then the teacher turns on the tape recorder and suddenly things are different. I freeze up and can't think of my verb conjugations and start speaking like a "cave woman". Anyway, we will make it through and are excited to see how the Lord is going to use what we have learned and how He will expand it once we get to PoA. I have no doubt that our language skills will grow once we are thrust into real live situations with no help from a teacher. Yesterday, for the first time, we had a doctor's visit without a language helper. Pierce had a rash that Paul just felt like we needed to have checked out and no one could go with him. So, Paul and Kati went and they said that it wasn't pretty, but they walked away with a prescription so all was not lost. I was so impressed and so was our language teacher.
Anyway, we have started the packing process and are getting more excited by the day. We are going to drive to PoA and all of our "stuff" is going to be shipped down. We don't understand all the logistics of how this is going to happen, but they assure us that we aren't the first ones to have stuff shipped. So, we are trusting that the people in charge know what they are doing. I can't wait to post pictures of our trip through Southern Brazil. We have heard that the drive is gorgeous so we are looking forward to it. Please remember to pray for us though because we are a little bit nervous to be on the road with children and not understand the language enough. It is just human nature to worry that something might happen, even if it is just a flat tire, it is more of a big deal here than in the states. Everything here is a bigger deal than in the states. Have I said that a time or two already. If not, I meant to.
We will keep you posted on our whereabouts, but in the meantime, please keep praying. We love you all and miss you terribly, but are enjoying our time here.
In His Hands,
Keri (& family)
Anyway, we have started the packing process and are getting more excited by the day. We are going to drive to PoA and all of our "stuff" is going to be shipped down. We don't understand all the logistics of how this is going to happen, but they assure us that we aren't the first ones to have stuff shipped. So, we are trusting that the people in charge know what they are doing. I can't wait to post pictures of our trip through Southern Brazil. We have heard that the drive is gorgeous so we are looking forward to it. Please remember to pray for us though because we are a little bit nervous to be on the road with children and not understand the language enough. It is just human nature to worry that something might happen, even if it is just a flat tire, it is more of a big deal here than in the states. Everything here is a bigger deal than in the states. Have I said that a time or two already. If not, I meant to.
We will keep you posted on our whereabouts, but in the meantime, please keep praying. We love you all and miss you terribly, but are enjoying our time here.
In His Hands,
Keri (& family)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
More Evangelism!
Yeah, that's right, MORE evangelism. This has been great. Two weeks in a row I had the opportunity to go out with a volunteer group from the states, Brazilian church members, and translators from around Brazil and share Christ with Brazilian families in their homes. I will attach three pictures. The first is a family that all accepted the message of Christ. The father accepted first and then the rest of the family followed suit. The second is another family that accepted Christ. And the third is the same family along with members of Philadelphia Igreja Batista. Please join with us as we pray that the Lord will continue to speak to their hearts and move in their lives. We told of the one true God and made sure that they understood to the best of our abilities, so please pray that those seeds have fallen on fertile soil and will take deep root. The members of Philadelphia Igreja Batista will be following up with both families and trying to get Bible studies started in these homes.

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Well, this is Paul, and I want to share with you how Kati and I got to share in Brazilian homes on Friday. We went out with a volunteer team that was in a nearby city. They were working alongside a couple of churches and the team got double booked, so they recruited us for help. There were appointments already set up and our job was to go into these homes and share (through a translator) the gospel through a tract. The very first home we were in resulted in a lady making a profession of faith. We were with the team from around noon until 10 that night. It was an exhausting day and we spent most of the weekend recovering, but it was good. It was good for us to get out and talk to the Brazilians and be in their homes. And it was good to be with my daughter and allow her to experience this type of ministry on a whole different level than what she is used to. Kati and I along with our group saw a total of 4 professions of faith. The entire team saw 42 professions made. Only the Lord knows their hearts for sure, but we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the true Gospel has been presented. Please pray with us that these truths will penetrate their hearts and resonate in their minds. Also, please pray for the churches as they follow up with these decisions.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
7 Weeks and Counting
We have 7 weeks left in formal language study. Can you believe that? We can't. We are so excited about heading to PoA, but at the same time there is so much more that needs to be accomplished in that 7 weeks. Yikes! We are just going to keep plugging away and doing all that we know to do to help us acquire this beautiful language. All the while, we are asking God to work in us and help us to understand and be understood. God is doing a wonderful work in us and I think I can safely say "ALL" of us. We are facing some tough opposition but God continues to show us his faithfulness and grace toward us. We are so thankful that we serve the one true God of the universe who knows all and is all we need. We recognize that without him, we have no ministry and we are willing to do whatever it takes to make his name known among the Brazilians. Please pray that we will be found faithful in doing what he has called us to do. Seven weeks is such a short period of time in the scheme of life and we must take advantage of every opportunity, so please pray also that we will be good stewards with our time and energy.
Thank you all for continuing to lift us up before our Father's throne. We know that he hears the prayers of his people and we have felt his hand upon us.
Thank you all for continuing to lift us up before our Father's throne. We know that he hears the prayers of his people and we have felt his hand upon us.
Friday, July 11, 2008
American Food
I am certain that we have said that we are really enjoying the food here in Brazil. We haven't tried anything that was bad so far and in fact, we eat rice and beans with almost every meal. Ok, with that said, we have been missing some of our comfort food from the States. One of our favorite meals was baked pork tenderloin, Grandmother's homemade mac-and-cheese, skillet fried green beans & yeast rolls. Needless to say, we haven't eaten this meal in about 5 months. One of the problems is that we don't have a lot of pork products in the grocery stores, but I found a grocery store that had a pork tenderloin (that isn't what it was called, but that's what it was). So, I began my quest to make our favorite American meal. The mac-and-cheese was going to be the challenge because Grandmother uses a can of Campbell's cheddar cheese soup and a can of Campbell's tomato soup. Campbell's soup is hard to come by here and if you find it, you will pay 6 or 7 dollars for it. So, we haven't had Campbell's soup since we have been here, and that has been ok with us. I knew I was going to have to be creative, so I found some individual serving instant soups. I found a 4 cheese soup and a tomato with a little bit of macaroni. I prepared these two soups and we pretended that it was Campbell's. I mixed everything up and put it in the oven and we all watched and waited. 20 minutes later when I pulled it from the oven, we were all exstatic. It wasn't exact, but it was very close and very good. The green beans would be no problem, but we haven't made them like we did at home since we have been here. Finally the yeast rolls, well they don't have Sister Schubert's here as you guessed, but we have a bread store on every corner. I knew I could find a soft yeast roll somewhere and do you believe that I found them at the same market that I found the tenderloin. We were so excited. So, Paul did the tenderloin just like he did back home, and I took care of the rest. When we sat down to eat dinner tonight, you would have thought that we hadn't eaten in months. We didn't realize how much we missed our home cooking until we had a taste of something that we haven't tasted in a while. So, I just wanted to share with you that tonight we had a little piece of home right in the middle of Brazil.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Soccer (Futebol) at the park
Well, we are still enjoying our time off. Today all 6 of us went to the park and played soccer. Well, the babies were there, but they just watched us. Kati and I went Brazilian and played barefoot soccer on a sand field. The park here is the coolest. It has basketball courts, volleyball courts, soccer fields (sand and dirt), bike trail with jumps and all, skateboard park, go-cart track, and then the walking path. It is a huge park and always full of activity. We had a fun and exhausting time. By the way, it was Preston and I against Kati and Paul and we ended with a 2 - 2 tie. It is better for family relations that way! :) After soccer, we went for sorvette (ice cream) and we all tried something new. We had a great day as a family today. Praise God!
I have to tell you a little bit about the pizza in Brazil. It is different than what we have in the US, but very good. They don't use as much tomato sauce and they have lots of different toppings. Tonight for example we had normal pepperoni just like we know it and that is the first time we have had that just because we have wanted to try different kinds. So, along with our pepperoni, we had broccoli, bacon & sun-dried tomatoes. It may sound strange, but it was wonderful. We will be having that again. It is a cheap meal for the 6 of us. We can get one large and pay about $12 US dollars and that feeds all of us and even leaves enough for one of us to have it for lunch the next day. Some of the other toppings that we have tried are corn, chicken, zucchini, filet mignon, bacon, french fry, chocolate, caramel, & banana. There are many more but I can't think of all of the ones we have tried right now. I can't wait for some of you guys to come visit us and we will take you out for a special treat of Brazilian-style pizza! Come on down!
I have to tell you a little bit about the pizza in Brazil. It is different than what we have in the US, but very good. They don't use as much tomato sauce and they have lots of different toppings. Tonight for example we had normal pepperoni just like we know it and that is the first time we have had that just because we have wanted to try different kinds. So, along with our pepperoni, we had broccoli, bacon & sun-dried tomatoes. It may sound strange, but it was wonderful. We will be having that again. It is a cheap meal for the 6 of us. We can get one large and pay about $12 US dollars and that feeds all of us and even leaves enough for one of us to have it for lunch the next day. Some of the other toppings that we have tried are corn, chicken, zucchini, filet mignon, bacon, french fry, chocolate, caramel, & banana. There are many more but I can't think of all of the ones we have tried right now. I can't wait for some of you guys to come visit us and we will take you out for a special treat of Brazilian-style pizza! Come on down!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Time off of Language School
Well, we have enjoyed our time off of school. Last week we got to spend 6 days with our fellow missionaries at a very nice resort in Atibaia about 45 minutes from here. We enjoyed the time of fellowship with other missionaries as well as getting to know the volunteers that came to minister to us and our kids. The volunteer team was from First Baptist Church in Oveido, FL. They were amazing and our hearts were ministered to. They did VBS with the younger kids, they led music for the adults every morning and they led small groups for the youth. There were 30 something people that came with that group and they were a blessing. We met some dear friends that we will be keeping in contact with. The time away was refreshing and tiring all at the same time. There just never seems to be enough sleep for Paul and I. I guess sick babies could have something to do with that. They are both better now, by the way.
Preston had a great time playing with all the MK's from around Brazil and one in particular he made a special bond with, Marcus Heil. (the picture is Preston and Marcus the day we went on the zip line) Preston and Marcus are like kindred spirits. Our last night, I went looking for Preston to get him in the shower and ready for bed. When I found him, he and Marcus were crying and hugging each other and neither wanted to leave. It was the sweetest thing. Marcus even asked his dad if he could write a job for Paul so that we could move to Bahia where they live. The funny thing is that he lived in Olive Branch about 5 minutes from us for about 2 years while his dad was in seminary. It was the same time Paul was in seminary and he worked with Marcus' dad. The whole 2 years that we lived so close we never got together and the boys never even saw one another. Now we live in the same country but about 15 hours apart and they would love to see each other. What a shame!
Now for Kati.....she has a new focus for her ministry in Brazil. It was great for her to get to meet with other MK's that have gone through some of the same identity struggles that she is going through. In their small group sessions and even worship sessions, she was able to share and talk about some of the struggles and just be open and honest with people that truly understood. It did her soul a world of good. We came home with a different Kati and it has been a joy to be around her sweet spirit. She is absolutely renewed and we thank God for this transformation!
For Paul and I, we got to talk with people who have been through language school and experienced some of the same stresses and anxieties that we are going through. They all made it through so we have decided to relax and know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. We are fairly certain that it isn't an oncoming train! It was nice to hear the stories that now are funny, but at the time just like with us, it wasn't funny at all. Hopefully, we will be able to look back on this time and laugh at ourselves just like we heard so many do.
We are excited to finish up our formal language studies even though we know without a doubt that our language learning will continue for as long as we live in this country. We are off of school until next Monday and we start off with a language evaluation exam that morning. So, the rest of this week we will relax but at the same time be studying and getting ready for the big test. We both feel better about this one than we did the first one and we did okay the first time around.
This past weekend we got to go to the beach. We went to Guaraja to visit with a missionary family that now lives there. It was a nice 3 days to get away and relax by the ocean. They live in a beautiful apartment that overlooks the ocean, so all night we could hear the waves crashing against the shore and it was wonderful. They were so gracious to the 6 of us and let us invade their home and they would have let us stay as long as we wanted. We didn't want to overstay our welcome, but we may return before we leave Campinas for one more visit to the beach.
Please continue to pray for us as we wrap up our time of formal language study. It is a short time, but we have so much that we need to learn. Please continue to pray for our health, all 6 of us. We want to finish strong and do the best that we can possibly do and being healthy will only help that process. Thank you for continuing to lift us up in prayer, that is the greatest thing that you can do for us right now.
Preston had a great time playing with all the MK's from around Brazil and one in particular he made a special bond with, Marcus Heil. (the picture is Preston and Marcus the day we went on the zip line) Preston and Marcus are like kindred spirits. Our last night, I went looking for Preston to get him in the shower and ready for bed. When I found him, he and Marcus were crying and hugging each other and neither wanted to leave. It was the sweetest thing. Marcus even asked his dad if he could write a job for Paul so that we could move to Bahia where they live. The funny thing is that he lived in Olive Branch about 5 minutes from us for about 2 years while his dad was in seminary. It was the same time Paul was in seminary and he worked with Marcus' dad. The whole 2 years that we lived so close we never got together and the boys never even saw one another. Now we live in the same country but about 15 hours apart and they would love to see each other. What a shame!

We are excited to finish up our formal language studies even though we know without a doubt that our language learning will continue for as long as we live in this country. We are off of school until next Monday and we start off with a language evaluation exam that morning. So, the rest of this week we will relax but at the same time be studying and getting ready for the big test. We both feel better about this one than we did the first one and we did okay the first time around.
This past weekend we got to go to the beach. We went to Guaraja to visit with a missionary family that now lives there. It was a nice 3 days to get away and relax by the ocean. They live in a beautiful apartment that overlooks the ocean, so all night we could hear the waves crashing against the shore and it was wonderful. They were so gracious to the 6 of us and let us invade their home and they would have let us stay as long as we wanted. We didn't want to overstay our welcome, but we may return before we leave Campinas for one more visit to the beach.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Time flies when your having fun
We can hardly believe that we have been here for 4 months now. In some regards, it doesn't feel like that long, but then when I think about all the "stuff" that we have been through, it seems like 4 years! We actually have 10 weeks left in Campinas before we head down south to Porto Alegre. We are looking forward to joining the team that is already down there and moving forward in the call that the Lord has placed on our hearts. We have talked about the different aspects of leaving Campinas and even though we are ready, we will miss this place that we have called home. We have met some great friends here. Preston and I have befriended several elderly neighbors and they just love him. He still hasn't gotten used to all the Brazilians wanting to kiss him! We have grown close to one couple in particular at church that has blessed our hearts they way they pray for us and care for us. I (Keri) might just cry when I have to leave the Tia's from Peyton and Pierce's daycare and Preston's teacher, Professora Rose (as seen in the photo). She has been a true answer to our prayers.

Life here has been tough at times, but as always, the Lord has proven and continues to prove Himself faithful. And His faithfulness has nothing to do with me or my faithfulness to Him. My brain has a hard time understanding that, but I am so thankful for it. This has been such a rich time in our lives and I can't wait to see what the rest of the journey holds. I have much more rolling through my brain, but I will stop the rambling for now. Thanks for listening.
Please continue to pray for Paul and I we have our second language evaluation test this Thursday. We both feel more confident than we did the first go around, but it still gets our stomachs all in knots. Please pray that no matter what we do we will glorify the One that has sent us here.
Please continue to pray for Paul and I we have our second language evaluation test this Thursday. We both feel more confident than we did the first go around, but it still gets our stomachs all in knots. Please pray that no matter what we do we will glorify the One that has sent us here.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Please remember to pray for the Isbelle's
Please remember to pray for Jon and Rachel Isbelle. They are our friends that have served the Lord in Rio for the last two years. They are with the Network of International Christian Schools. They are leaving Brazil tomorrow. Their time in Rio has been a great time of growth both for them and the teenagers that they touched. The Lord is leading them back the States, so please join us in praying for their transition back into that culture.
To Jon & Rachel: Thank you for being obedient to God's call. You are a true inspiration to us all!
To Jon & Rachel: Thank you for being obedient to God's call. You are a true inspiration to us all!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
16th Wedding Anniversary in Brazil
I just wanted to write this short blog to share with you how neat it was for Keri and I to spend our 16th anniversary in Brazil. It has been a hard 3 months since arriving in Brazil, but the times of refreshing that the Lord sends our way are just as exciting as the hard times are hard. Am I making any sense? It seems that every time we go through a difficult period either in language learning or with the health of one of the 6 of us or whatever else, the Lord is always faithful to turn around and give us a sweet time of refreshing. Well, that is what we got on our anniversary. We didn't necessarily do anything spectacular, but it refreshed us. Our "date" started at noon. I had another missionary couple, Paul and Toni Dillard, lined up to take Kati and Preston to lunch and a movie. The babies were taken care of by my language teacher. So, with all the kids taken care of, we could just relax and enjoy our day. We went for a walk, just the two of us! Something that never happens. Then we went to a movie and dinner at a very nice restaurant, all of this by ourselves. Something that never happens. Like I said, it wasn't anything spectacular, but it was a nice, relaxing afternoon and evening with my bride of 16 years. We needed this down time desperately and the Lord blessed our time together. While we were out, we talked about all the Lord is revealing to us and just how special it is that we are here following His direction. We have had some of the hardest times of our lives since we have been here, but there is no place that we would rather be right now. I asked myself and Keri this question, "Would you do it all over again if you knew it would be this hard?" We both had the same response without hesitation, "Yes!" We are learning just how faithful our God is and we are learning first hand what it means to trust Him and totally rely on His power and His power alone to get us through. Ok, that is all of my short blog. More later. Thanks for reading.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Passion Conference

Can you believe that I (Paul) got to go to the Passion Conference World Tour in Sao Paulo Brazil? I can't believe it either. I have always wanted to go and never got a chance in the States, but the weekend of May 23 & 24 I finally got to go see Louie, Frances, David & Chris live and in person. I have seen the Passion videos so I had an idea of what it would be like, but I was not prepared for what I saw right in the middle of Brazil. There were about 2200 students there and it was amazing. Louie & Frances had translators on stage with them and that worked well and got the message across. But one of the things that blew me away was the music. It was all in English and the words were on the screen. The words were in English and then under that were the words in Portuguese. I don't know exactly what it was that I was expecting, but to hear 2000+ college students that were not all English speakers singing in English was not it. But that is what I got. It was the most amazing thing to just sit back and watch and listen. And they worshipped! It was a true God moment and it took me by surprise. When Louie called on them to pray for each other, we witnessed a group of young people crying out to God on each others behalf and I can't even find the words to describe it. It was just so exciting for me to be in a foreign country that I will be calling home for awhile and see true God worship. It is the kind of thing that people say doesn't happen, but I saw it with my own two eyes and heard it with my own two ears. God used this weekend in my life to refresh me and show me that I am not alone here. We serve an awesome, mighty God and He is the God of entire world, including Brazil!

It was even a special treat that I got to have my picture taken with my good friend David Crowder! He may look a little different, but he is a nice guy!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Please don't stop praying!!!

We still need your prayers, so please don't stop praying. Our language studies continue to go well and we are seeing signs that we are slowly, very slowly, getting it. We are making progress, but have so very far to go. We covet your prayers!
Please also pray for our stress levels to stay low. We are extremely stressed out and that isn't getting any better. They keep telling us that language school brings out the worst in people. That just thrilled my soul to hear! This would be hard with no children, but juggling all 4 of ours is proving to be more of a challenge than I originally thought it would be. Our schedules have been changed once again and we think this will be our schedule until the end. Today was the first day on this new schedule and it has already helped Paul tremendously. So, please don't stop praying for us!
Also, so many of you have asked how Kati is doing and I would like to announce that she is doing fantastic. She has been with her Portuguese tutor for 2 weeks now and it is already paying off. She learns something new everyday and she is even teaching us. They are teaching her some of the slang words that the kids use and she is loving it. She has however been a little bit under the weather with some kind of stomach bug that she can't seem to shake. So, please continue to pray for her also.
Preston is still doing great and so are the babies.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Blooms of Fall
One of the things that we have found fascinating in Brazil is the flowers and flowering trees. It is beautiful here and it seems to be this way all year 'round. Remember it is fall here and a whole new set of blooms are emerging. We don't have this kind of color in the fall where we come from. So, we wanted to share some of the beauty with you.
Preston and I (Keri) went walking yesterday with the sole purpose of taking pictures of flowers. We just walked down our street and these are the pictures we took. Some of them are breathtaking and they are even prettier in person.

The best part of our walk came as we were heading home. We stopped at a gate that had all kinds of plants and flowers and we were talking about them and taking pictures, when we noticed there was someone in that garden. She was staring at us and she scared me to death. When she realized that we were talking about her flowers, she came out to greet us. I told her that we were admiring her beautiful garden and taking pictures of the flowers and she was so thrilled. I'm not sure if it was our interest in her garden or just someone to talk to, but either way she was excited to see us. She invited us into her fence to get a closer look and took us all through the garden. She spoke only Portuguese so Preston and I didn't understand much and she knew that, but it didn't slow her down any! Once we went all through the garden and Preston took all the pictures he could, she then invited us in to see the plants on the inside. So, Preston took pictures of everything. It was nice to see the inside of a Brazilian home and see that they really are nice and warm and cozy, not hard and cold like ours. She said that when we came back we would have coffee, so I think we need to go back to visit. Well, before we left, I asked her if I could have a picture of me and her and she got even more excited. She couldn't believe that I wanted a picture of her! See the picture below...her expression says it all, doesn't it?

We think that Ms. Julietta lives by herself and I'm not sure that she gets too many visitors. So, Preston and I will go back to visit her again very soon. It was a nice visit even if we didn't understand much of what she said, it was nice to think that we may have been the bright spot in her day.
We can show the love of Christ even if we don't speak the same language!
Preston and I (Keri) went walking yesterday with the sole purpose of taking pictures of flowers. We just walked down our street and these are the pictures we took. Some of them are breathtaking and they are even prettier in person.

The best part of our walk came as we were heading home. We stopped at a gate that had all kinds of plants and flowers and we were talking about them and taking pictures, when we noticed there was someone in that garden. She was staring at us and she scared me to death. When she realized that we were talking about her flowers, she came out to greet us. I told her that we were admiring her beautiful garden and taking pictures of the flowers and she was so thrilled. I'm not sure if it was our interest in her garden or just someone to talk to, but either way she was excited to see us. She invited us into her fence to get a closer look and took us all through the garden. She spoke only Portuguese so Preston and I didn't understand much and she knew that, but it didn't slow her down any! Once we went all through the garden and Preston took all the pictures he could, she then invited us in to see the plants on the inside. So, Preston took pictures of everything. It was nice to see the inside of a Brazilian home and see that they really are nice and warm and cozy, not hard and cold like ours. She said that when we came back we would have coffee, so I think we need to go back to visit. Well, before we left, I asked her if I could have a picture of me and her and she got even more excited. She couldn't believe that I wanted a picture of her! See the picture below...her expression says it all, doesn't it?

We think that Ms. Julietta lives by herself and I'm not sure that she gets too many visitors. So, Preston and I will go back to visit her again very soon. It was a nice visit even if we didn't understand much of what she said, it was nice to think that we may have been the bright spot in her day.
We can show the love of Christ even if we don't speak the same language!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Prayer Request for Team Gaucho
Pray for Jeff Dunson of Porto Alegre’s Team Gaúcho as he leads a team of Brazilian evangelists to minister in the city of General Câmera on June 7. The pastor of the small church in this city has a vision to see 17 new churches started in the city and the surrounding region, and this impact will serve as part of the kick-off for this new church planting and evangelism push. Pray that God will raise up workers for the harvest in the area, and that God will bless with an abundance of first fruits that will be just a small part of a great move of God to come in the following months and years.
Pray for the preparations that are underway for the September Month of Prayer for Urban Gaúchos. Four videos which will highlight various spiritual strongholds which interfere with the spread of the gospel in Porto Alegre are in the initial stages of production. Pray for the video production process, that it will go quickly and easily, (without any more computer problems), and that the Holy Spirit would guide in what is presented. Also pray for the production and distribution of other materials such as bookmarks and refrigerator magnets which will be used as prayer reminders for prayer partners in the U.S.A.
Pray for the preparations that are underway for the September Month of Prayer for Urban Gaúchos. Four videos which will highlight various spiritual strongholds which interfere with the spread of the gospel in Porto Alegre are in the initial stages of production. Pray for the video production process, that it will go quickly and easily, (without any more computer problems), and that the Holy Spirit would guide in what is presented. Also pray for the production and distribution of other materials such as bookmarks and refrigerator magnets which will be used as prayer reminders for prayer partners in the U.S.A.
Verse for the day
"I lift up my eyes to the hills -- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip -- he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep." Psalm 121:1-4 NIV
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Mom & Dad need to share!
Last week, Paul and I had parent-teacher meetings with Preston's teacher and Kati's teachers. We met with Preston's teacher, Professor Rose, first. Remember that this is Preston's first real experience in a school setting because he has been home schooled up until now. So, with that in mind, we prayed that he would do what he was supposed to do and wouldn't be a distraction to the class. Well, the teacher starts off talking about how wonderful Preston is. She said that he has completely embraced his classmates and wants to be just one of the kids. He does not want to be singled out in anyway and wants to be treated the same as the other kids. This is a challenge for the teacher because she knows that he doesn't understand the language the way the other kids do, but she said she is trying. She said it is obvious that he is picking up the language and he is not afraid to use it. She said that he uses as much Portuguese as he can while he is in class. She just went on and on about how he has taken to the kids so quickly. She asked when we would be leaving here to go to Porto Alegre and when we told her September, she teared up. She said that she would miss Preston tremendously. She said that he is a very special child and he has challenged her in many ways and stretched her beyond her comfort zone. She said that she talks about him to her family all the time and they even hope to get to meet Preston. Keep in mind all of this is being translated to us and Paul and I are sitting in our own little puddle of tears. We were blown away. We had an idea that he was doing well, but didn't know the whole story, so we were so very proud of him for doing so well. The next day we went to speak with the principal and she told us that Preston has become a Brazilian boy. He plays like a Brazilian boy, he jokes like a Brazilian boy, she said he has taken on the identity of a Brazilian child. She went on to say that this was a unique quality and one that shows his acceptance of a different culture. This too, was so wonderful for us to hear. Even though we know that God has sent us here, we have still prayed for our children as they make the cultural adjustments. Well, God has shown up in a mighty way for Preston and we are still praising Him for ALL of His goodness toward us.
Now, when we met with Kati's teachers, we were really not sure what we get. Kati has been struggling and we knew this but didn't know how the teachers were perceiving it. Well, we got to talk to the Science, History and Art teachers and they all said the same thing. They can tell that Kati is really trying to understand. She is paying attention and trying to keep up with where the class is. She has a great attitude and always has a smile on her face. Well, again Paul and I both cried. She had gotten to the point that she cried almost every night because it was so challenging and she didn't want to go to school. I asked her to commit to pray with us for 6 weeks just to see what would come of it. I told her that she would have to give it 100% and not slack off at school. No matter what she was going to have to try and try harder each day. We had no idea if she was doing it or not other than her telling us she was. Well, the teachers confirmed that she was doing exactly what we were asking her to do. I can't express in words how my heart felt at that moment. She continued to struggle and cry, but according to the teachers she was doing great and was a ray of sunshine for them. They said that she was trying to communicate with the kids even though they knew that she couldn't speak the language. When we told them that she was very frustrated, they were surprised because she didn't indicate any frustration to them. We spoke with them about our plan for an abbreviated school schedule for her along with some outside Portuguese instruction and they thought that was a great idea. They assured us that Kati is the kind of girl that will surpass all our expectations once she finds where she fits and gets into a routine that works for her. So, once again, we were so proud of our child who was so extremely frustrated, but kept plugging away and trying to do what we asked her to do. She didn't give up and we are certain that God will bless her perseverance.
So, this week she began her abbreviated schedule. She is going to school on Monday, Wednesday & Thursday for Science, History, PE and Art. This is all in the mornings and she doesn't do all subjects everyday. Then everyday in the afternoons, she goes to a language school for one on one tutoring in Portuguese. It has only been two days now and we can already see a huge difference in her. It is giving her a confidence that she hasn't had since we have been in Brazil. This is an answer to our prayers. A direct answer and we are so thankful.
I can't wait to report all the Lord does in the lives of these children. Please pray that we will all continue on the path that He has for us and we flourish because of it.
In His Hands,
Paul & Keri
Now, when we met with Kati's teachers, we were really not sure what we get. Kati has been struggling and we knew this but didn't know how the teachers were perceiving it. Well, we got to talk to the Science, History and Art teachers and they all said the same thing. They can tell that Kati is really trying to understand. She is paying attention and trying to keep up with where the class is. She has a great attitude and always has a smile on her face. Well, again Paul and I both cried. She had gotten to the point that she cried almost every night because it was so challenging and she didn't want to go to school. I asked her to commit to pray with us for 6 weeks just to see what would come of it. I told her that she would have to give it 100% and not slack off at school. No matter what she was going to have to try and try harder each day. We had no idea if she was doing it or not other than her telling us she was. Well, the teachers confirmed that she was doing exactly what we were asking her to do. I can't express in words how my heart felt at that moment. She continued to struggle and cry, but according to the teachers she was doing great and was a ray of sunshine for them. They said that she was trying to communicate with the kids even though they knew that she couldn't speak the language. When we told them that she was very frustrated, they were surprised because she didn't indicate any frustration to them. We spoke with them about our plan for an abbreviated school schedule for her along with some outside Portuguese instruction and they thought that was a great idea. They assured us that Kati is the kind of girl that will surpass all our expectations once she finds where she fits and gets into a routine that works for her. So, once again, we were so proud of our child who was so extremely frustrated, but kept plugging away and trying to do what we asked her to do. She didn't give up and we are certain that God will bless her perseverance.
So, this week she began her abbreviated schedule. She is going to school on Monday, Wednesday & Thursday for Science, History, PE and Art. This is all in the mornings and she doesn't do all subjects everyday. Then everyday in the afternoons, she goes to a language school for one on one tutoring in Portuguese. It has only been two days now and we can already see a huge difference in her. It is giving her a confidence that she hasn't had since we have been in Brazil. This is an answer to our prayers. A direct answer and we are so thankful.
I can't wait to report all the Lord does in the lives of these children. Please pray that we will all continue on the path that He has for us and we flourish because of it.
In His Hands,
Paul & Keri
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Birthday Boys turn 1

Peyton and Pierce turned 1 on April 25th. I am having a hard time believing that it has been a year already. This time last year they were still in the hospital weighing only 6 pounds each. Wow, how time flies when you're having fun! We did have a party for them and we had a blast and I guess they did too. No, I'm kidding, they did, but they were not sure what to think about all the people, balloons, presents and the CAKES. Yes, that is plural, cakeS. We actually got 3 different cakes. One for the guests and it was so delicious. It was 5 layers of chocolate cake, creme and some sort of pudding stuff. It was one of the best cakes I have ever eaten and everyone else said the same thing. Then we got 2 small chocolate cakes with chocolate for each birthday boy! They did not know what to do with the cake, the flaming candle or all the people singing to them. It was very funny to watch their reaction.
We let them do what they wanted to do with these little cakes. They had fun, but it took them just a minute to get the hang of it. At first they both touched the cake, then we showed them that they could put their hand in it, then we gave them a bite and that is all it took. They figured it out after that and they loved it. It is the most sugar they have had in one sitting that is for sure and they were only up until 9:00 that night.

It was so much fun watching their reactions. After we bathed them, then we opened presents and they did just like most kids, they played with the boxes. I am please to report that they have been playing with the toys, but their first choice always seems to be a box. They got some cool toys and books. It is nice to have some new toys and toys for their age instead of just baby rattles and little things like that. They had plenty of help opening presents from Preston, Kati and two friends, Maggie and Laura. Everyone seemed to really have fun. We even had some Brazilian drinks or maybe it would be called punch, but anyway our language teacher made the punch for us and it was a big hit. It was made with passion fruit and very light, but very tasty.

It was fun birthday! These guys are growing into such sweet and fun little boys. They are beginning to really bloom individually and their own personalities are starting to shine through. It has been neat to see how God has provided for these babies and how He has provided for us through these babies, but it is only going to get better. I can't wait to see what God has in store for these guys. Please join us in praying for them that they will be a vital part of what God has called our family to and they will be a light in the darkness. We have already seen the doors that can be opened just because there are two of them, so I know He has a plan for them to be used in a might way.
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